Our Royal Wedding Party

Well I am a big sucker for all things "love story" and what was better that Kate Middleton marrying Prince William? Nothing really except maybe a HUGE chocolate covered strawberry. I had made the decision early on that I was not going to be getting up at 2am to watch the wedding. I have a very trusty friend, the DVR, and she has not failed me yet and I didn't think that she would on this occasion, she didn't. I had been talking about the Royal Wedding to the kids for days and told them that Kate was going to "turn" into a princess. The first time I told Max, he gasped!

So the night before while watching one of my many William and Kate stories that were being aired on BBCA or TLC I made fascinator for myself and the girls. They were so cute and fun to make besides the whole burning my foot on the hot glue gun. They ended up being really light weight so the kids kept them on, I think without even realizing they had something on their heads.

I also made the boys crowns to wear out of cereal boxes. As you can see I didn't spend too much time on them because, well, they are boys and as it happens the crowns were ripped soon after wearing them. Everyone got purple flowers to wear on their shirts.

After the wedding we had an apple juice toast, look at that smile on Max's face, he was so excited for The Wedding!

And finally, we ended the morning with our wedding cake snack. (We made it the day before for an activity.) It was delicious!

Not pictured are two things:
1. William and Kate coloring pages
2. One of my daycare kids from last year meeting Prince William aka Duke of Cambridge the night before the wedding outside of Cambridge House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it wrong to be jealous of a 3 year old?
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April Hutch...

Well this month's hutch was a big failure! I am embarrassed to even show it but hopefully the embarrassment will help me get my act together for next April. I had originally planned on doing the hutch in pastels, for Easter of course, but then I started getting excited about yellow. So I made a last minute switch and couldn't get it together. I knew that we were not hosting Easter so I didn't put any pressure on myself to compete it. I did however manage to make the yellow balls out of yarn, a balloon, and Elmer's glue. They look cute and will resurface when I attempt yellow again. Sorry April.

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Week 16: Home for Dress Up Clothes

These are our dress up clothes. But as I look at the picture I am realizing that not all the clothes are hanging up, I wonder where they were for this picture? I digress. We have a good amount of dress up clothes and for a long time we had them stored on the floor in a pile or in a blue storage box. It made me crazy! So we had some wood we had gotten for another project in the $.51 bin at Home Depot that we ended up not using. And wouldn't you know that it already had some holes drilled into it! And I already had wood glue, wooden rods, and spray paint! So this project didn't cost me any trips to the store. Just about 20 minutes total in time!

The wooden piece just after I drilled the holes a bit larger to fit the wooden rods.

The wooden rods drying with the wood glue.

A close up of the wooden piece finished and spray painted white.

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Week 15: Another Organized Drawer

I found a fourth basket at Goodwill gave it the same once over in Espresso spray paint and put in my junk drawer. I did first empty out the drawer and "ditch" a lot of priceless items I didn't' need anymore. I love having my pens and one pair of scissors easily accessible and ready to grab at a moments notices. Now I just need the address the issue of why I am a hoarder of pens?!?
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Week 14: Cubbies

No not the baseball team. My new helper. What might not be known is that I have an in home daycare. And, at our front door I have did have what is pictured below. (Bulletin board with papers, receipt book, stickers, ect.) Scattered around my house were random pacifiers, receipts, artwork, shoes, socks, anything and everything.
I had a white cubby that I had gotten at a thrift store when I started my daycare. It was in my basement but was not utilized so I decide to paint it brown and put it by the front door for my families to put things for the kids and for me to put things for the parents. It is working great and now I am a bit more organized! I dig it!

**Note: This picture was taken on a weekend so there was no random "stuff" lingering about!
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Update on Week 4 Challenge

I wanted to give an update on my Week 4: Utensil Drawer Organzation, I found two more baskets to help me stay organized and it is working awesome! I was so happy to find at Goodwill the long basket to hold all of my spoons! And mini basket, also a Goodwill find, for my measuring spoons. No more baskets needed for this drawer. Stay tuned for another drawer organized with baskets!
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Week 13: New Kitchen Light

So I told you all about selling our light fixtures to a nice lady from Craigslist here. Well we didn't want a hanging light in the kitchen, it didn't make sense to continually hit our head on it. So we settle for this no frills spot light in stainless steel. Nothing fancy, nothing special but gets the job done. Andy got it up in about 20 minutes and we had light!

Week 12: New Kitchen Table

We bought this solid wood circle table and six chairs last summer at a garage sale. The purpose of the purchase was for the chairs to go with our dining room table after we sprayed them black and the table we would resell on Craigslist. Well Andy and our neighbor talked me into putting the table in our kitchen and removing the tall four person square table we had in there. Well the way the "new" table was placed in the kitchen the chairs we always sticking out. So we generally tried to have only two chairs at the table but with my daycare kids that made it extremely annoying to constantly moving chairs over to the table and back and here and there and this way and that way... see how annoying?

So, I was thinking that we could build a table and put in a bench with a lid that lifted that would also be storage. Andy thought that he could build a table that was narrow enough to keep the walk way to the back door as free as possible and he was thinking that a bench was good too but if we could push the table over the bench when it is not being used that would help with the walking area even more. So we let the storage idea go and used some wood and brackets that we already had for the bench. The whole thing, table and bench, was just under $50!!!

I found two chairs at Goodwill for $4.99/each and want to recover them in an oil cloth, I just have to find a cute one to use, and they will go opposite the bench and push in completely under the table. (We had to use chairs too so that the booster seats would be safe and secure, which wouldn't happen on the bench.) I am pretty proud of my little carpenter, he is really getting the hang of this building thing!