Our Royal Wedding Party

Well I am a big sucker for all things "love story" and what was better that Kate Middleton marrying Prince William? Nothing really except maybe a HUGE chocolate covered strawberry. I had made the decision early on that I was not going to be getting up at 2am to watch the wedding. I have a very trusty friend, the DVR, and she has not failed me yet and I didn't think that she would on this occasion, she didn't. I had been talking about the Royal Wedding to the kids for days and told them that Kate was going to "turn" into a princess. The first time I told Max, he gasped!

So the night before while watching one of my many William and Kate stories that were being aired on BBCA or TLC I made fascinator for myself and the girls. They were so cute and fun to make besides the whole burning my foot on the hot glue gun. They ended up being really light weight so the kids kept them on, I think without even realizing they had something on their heads.

I also made the boys crowns to wear out of cereal boxes. As you can see I didn't spend too much time on them because, well, they are boys and as it happens the crowns were ripped soon after wearing them. Everyone got purple flowers to wear on their shirts.

After the wedding we had an apple juice toast, look at that smile on Max's face, he was so excited for The Wedding!

And finally, we ended the morning with our wedding cake snack. (We made it the day before for an activity.) It was delicious!

Not pictured are two things:
1. William and Kate coloring pages
2. One of my daycare kids from last year meeting Prince William aka Duke of Cambridge the night before the wedding outside of Cambridge House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it wrong to be jealous of a 3 year old?
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