Week 5: Coat Rack Wall

Andy aka General Contractor forgot to take a picture of the wall before he started attaching our coat rack wall. Or I didn't snap a before picture fast enough before he started going to work. So here is a picture of the frame of our coat rack wall.

We used 1x4 for everything and ripped one 1x4 to make it into a 1x2, thanks to a friend with a table saw. Once Andy got the wood up with finishing nails and liquid nails then he filled nails holes with caulk. He painted 2 coats of paint and we realized that there was a piece of wood that was not flush with the wall. So when Andy went skiing I the kids, grandma, and I went to Home Depot for Kids Build Day (making up my own name for the first Saturday of the month party at Home Depot where they have popcorn, building projects for kids, and a giant battery walking around) and I got painters caulk. When we got home I filled in all the gaps and seams with the caulk, let it dry, and gave the wall and wood another coat of paint. Then I hung up our hooks, from Hobby Lobby, and called it a day.

I love it!!!! We just need something or somethings on the top ledge. I am thinking a picture frame for sure not sure what else to add. But I will keep my eye open for something that wants to be transformed from Goodwill.
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