Week 1: Front Window

Here is the before picture of our front window. This is currently the most used space in our house and the window faces the street. Although I like the wooden blinds they felt naked and I couldn't stand the duck tape on the top right blind. On New Years Day a HUGE fabric store was having a HUGE sale. My mom and I made the trek, about 30 minutes, with the new baby and I got fabric to make a treatment. It was fun to play around and decide what I wanted to do. I had thumbtacks and played with hanging the fabric in tons of different ways. I finally decide on what is below. I used two pieces of wood (you can see in the before pictures) and a staple gun and stapled the fabric to the wood. Then with the General Contractor got home he screwed the two wood pieces up there for me. I went for easy sleazy on this and used a hot glue gun to fold over the edge to give it a finished look. The ribbon tie backs are from Wal-Mart and are currently being held back with thumb tacks. Next time I head to Jo-Anns I will get the little plastic rings and an eye hook. Not bad for $15 dollars!
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